Sponsored by the
( COlorado METeorite Society )
Our annual event this year will be held the weekend of the Denver Gem and Mineral Show.
Friday, September 12, 2014 at 5pm!
In the Mineral and Fossil Supply showroom
1441 West 46th Avenue, Unit 7, Denver, CO
Food and drinks will be provided by the COMETS!
If you would like to enter some specimens in the auction, please do it as soon as possible. The room will open at 4:00pm. Please contact Anne Black to register. Her e-mail is Impactika@aol.com The Auction starts at 7:00pm, so bring your merchandise by 6:00pm so everyone will have a chance to look at it before the auction starts. No entrance fee!
You are invited to come between 5pm and 7pm for check-in, to preview the pieces offered in the Auction. The Auction starts at 7:00pm. You MUST be present to participate (no phone or online auction). No entrance fee!
What else?
The Denver Show opens up on Sunday, Sept. 7 at the Ramada Inn (ex Holiday Inn) with several meteorite dealers. The "Official" Denver Gem & Mineral Show at the Denver Mart (I-25 and 58th Ave) opens at 9am on Friday, Sept. 13.
Auction Location Map

Courtesy of MapQuest